Perhaps the Beatles were the first to turn a crosswalk into a recognizable landmark, with their legendary Abbey Road album cover (just do a Google Image search for “famous crosswalks” and photos of the Fab Four– and imitators– crossing Abbey Road will explode across your screen). Anybody who has seen the snapshot of John, Paul, George, & Ringo crossing that otherwise mundane road will likely conjure up mental images of Britain, or maybe a song or two from that album.
But another crossing that occured a couple hundred years earlier, on this side of “the Pond,” may be just as famous– George Washington’s iconic crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776. This bold and brave moment in time turned the tides of the Revolutionary War and changed history forever.
So… where exactly are we going with all of this, you ask?
Well just this week, APCON had the opportunity to install a crosswalk in Washington Crossing, PA! Ok, it’s admittedly not quite as exciting as either the Beatles’ Abbey Road or the actual crossing that George Washington & Co. did, but, in our defense, this is also no ordinary crosswalk.
Take a look at the accompanying photos and you will see an eye-catching, red brick, herringbone-patterned crosswalk in a rustic wooded setting.
But guess what– that’s not real brick!
The material used for this crosswalk is called GeoPaveX by Adbruf, which, in a convenient twist of fate that ties in nicely with this story, is a company that is headquartered in England.
In a nutshell, this crosswalk was installed on top of asphalt, whereby an aggregate stone is mixed with a resin and applied as a coating, and then stamped into the pattern you see. The result is a fresh-looking, long-lasting crosswalk that stands out to drivers and pedestrians alike. Plus, there are many benefits of this installation compared to laying an actual brick crosswalk, including:
- Quicker installation— Laying bricks can take multiple days and require extensive labor, thus disrupting traffic for a long stretch of time, and potentially incurring extensive costs. For a project like this, Adbruf can be installed in under a day, thus minimizing traffic snarls and costs.
- Consistently flat surface— If you’ve ever walked down a brick sidewalk or crosswalk, you’ll know how bumpy and uneven it can get, especially as the foundation below it expands and contracts over time. Adbruf, on the other hand, maintains its flat surface as long as the asphalt below remains true, which is generally the case since asphalt pavement has good long term stability. All in all, Adbruf surfaces minimize tripping hazards, thus making it safe for pedestrians.
- No loose stones— Unlike bricks, a crosswalk made with a product like Adbruf’s GeoPaveX is one solid surface, so stones will not become loose and need repair, plus weed growth is inhibited compared to brick pathways.
These are just some of the benefits obtained by using Adbruf’s GeoPaveX for a crosswalk, and if you’re interested in learning more, please feel free to contact us at 215-672-8000 or
Thanks for reading and safe travels!